Edward FitzGerald Patrickson a local man of Los Santos abducted Squeakers the Clown from Legion Square then proceeded to take him to Vespucci Boulevard where Mr. Patrickson's body was fount with multiple stab wounds, yet Squeakers was nowhere to seen.
The case has gone cold as Squeakers has turned up missing, from multiple 1st account stories we've pieced together an accurate telling of the events!
Account of Unnamed 3rd party, "It all happened so fast. It started with an accident at an intersection I was observing from the sidewalk when I noticed an elderly man approach the clown and proceed to shove into a car then speed off." and speed off they did the vehicle along with the elderly man's body was fount an hour later a few blocks away with multiple stab wounds. 3rd party, "It was a shock the office conducting the investigation of the crash did not react in time, and did not follow the vehicle. Nothing was done." It wasn't until a 911 call came in reporting a dead body that the police finally acted.
We will keep you updated as this story unfolds. Update: Over Twitter Squeakers confessed killing his abductor!

~Alistair Yonlach, Channel 7 News