Seems this State can't catch a break, 2 days in a row a bank has been robbed. First on Great Ocean HWY which you can read about here.
And now at the Paleto Bay Branch! This case was different though. Rather than 3 armed men there was 1 man armed with a M9 Berreta and a Pig Mask. Shots were fired between police and the suspect resulting in 1 injured officer (Sgt Brooks) and the suspect as well. The suspect Jasper Phink of Florida who died mere days after the robbery.
The man aged 78 and apparently diagnosed with brain cancer given 15 days to lives before the robbery. This tidbit may shine light upon his motives. Jasper Phink's funeral is to be held at Hill Valley Church early Sunday Morning.
Obituary: Jasper Phink, Father, Grandfather, Kind, Caring and loving to all was a man strong and proud up to his dianosis.
Possible Motives and Pychoanalysis: Jasper Phink was a human like any rest of us. He saw that his life was coming to an end and he had nothing to leave to his family or to the world to remind anyone that he was once a person here. He saw an opportunity and took it though it was a rough decision he still did it with conviction.
~Analysis by Susan Schwortz
~Alistair Yonlach, Channel 7 News